What you can visit in Egypt?

Egypt Nothing Compares

 What you can visit in Egypt? 

Giza pyramids 
this is a good question many people used to ask this question, here I'm "Egyptian tour guide" love to tell some info about Egypt.
there are so many sites that you visit since you arrive, by the way! The length of your trip will never seem long enough! Some times I meet people during the tours that have been to Egypt more than 15 times, OMG and they keep returning to see something new! And they ask about this newly discovered site, or some tomb that has been recently uncovered new, or even amazing places that they have heard other people talk about Here in Egypt, you will always find a very good and new sites to visit and enjoy here in Egypt.
The adventure you looking for here in Egypt never end's! That is why it is not good for you if you come to Egypt, especially for the first time, and miss the grandiose sites, such as the Giza area especially the great Pyramids, Abu Simbel temple in Aswan or the west bank of Luxor, or Alexandria city which is could be one of the most wonderful city, To name but a few. 
The Nile  
There are so many travelers who fly direct to Upper Egypt to see Luxor and Aswan, hoping that they will be stumble across the Pyramids as well or El-Menia Governorate which located in upper Egypt also, and then they realize that they have to travel 720Km to Cairo, where the Pyramids actually are, and end up paying around 400$ extra to travel and see one site, which is most probably about half of what they paid for their entire trip!
Dear traveler, so my advice for you, will let you plan well for your trip before you come. The best way to save time, money and effort is "Advance planning", and of course to ensure that you get to see the sites that you have been dreaming about for some time.
Firstly try, as much as possible, to visit as many of the places that your trip will allow! Both of us know that you can't get the opportunity to visit Egypt everyday! Believe me there is nothing worse than going home and wishing you had visited somewhere you didn't!
Egyptian map
Listed below, you will find the names, and information, about many of the sites you really shouldn't miss. 

Pyramids of Giza 
Pyramids of Sakkara 
Pyramids of Dahshour 
Pyramids of Abu sir 
Pyamids of Mydoum 
Ancient Memphis
The Egyptian Museum
The Coptic Museum
The Castle of Saladin
The Old Market "Khan El-Khalili"
The Hanging Church
Santa Barbara
Old Islamic Cairo:
Sultan Hassan Mosque
Refai Mosque
The Castle of Qaitbay
The Pompeii Pillar
The Catacombs of Kom El-Shouqafa
The Amphitheatre of Kom El-Dikka
The Montazah Palace Gardens 

Luxor Temple
Karnak Temple
The Colossi Of Memnon
Valley Of The Kings
Temple of queen Hatshepsut
Temple Of Medinat Hapu of Ramses III
Valley Of The Queens
Valley Of The Nobles
Temple Of Dendera
temple of Esna
Temple Of Abydos
The city of Sharm El-sheik
The city of Dahab
The City of Nuweiba
The City of Taba
Red Sea Coast
Red sea coast
Monastery of St. paul
Mostry of St Anthony
Marsa Alam

Thanks a lot for your time

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The National Museum Of Alexandria

The National Museum Of Alexandria

The National Museum Of Alexandria 

The museum is located in Horeya Street . Building housing the museum was the residence of a former wood trading business man who built his house which was built on an area of ​​3480 meters in the style of Italian. The palace was a favoriteplace for many people at a high level in the 30S and 40s of last century.
He lived in this house till 1953 and then sold to the U.S. Embassy for 53thousand pounds. Even the Supreme Council of Antiquities bought for 13 million pounds in 1996 and then was transferred to the Museum at the beginning of the third millennium.
The National Museum Of Alexandria
It was the first museum opened to the public in 2002/ September and the museum contain over 1800 items from severaleras: the Pharaonic, Ptolemaic, which flourished a lot in Egypt especially in Alexandria, Romanian, Byzantine, and also Islamic time.
On the first floor of the museum contains items Pharaonic including many of the various statues of ancient Egyptian rulers and deities and pictures of a very interesting Menkaure, Ikhnaton, and Hatshepsut
          There are also some repetitions of the graves that were uncovered in the Valley of the Kings. These include the graves Canoptic jars and many other items of interest.

The National Museum Of Alexandria
About the middle of the floor museum contains antiquities belong to the   Roman era, which includes statues of Greek females, Greek, stunning statue of the god Serapis, a granite statue of Caracalla. There are also some scientific studies conducted in the Romanian Greek on the human body.

The last floor of the museum displays the items that belong to the Coptic and Islamic civilizations which reflect how prosperous were these two periods. The collection includes 162 Islamic coins, candle holders, and many other stuff
The 3rd floor displays some items that belong to the Coptic and Islamic civilizations that reflect the extent of these two periods. The group includes162 Islamic coins, candle holders, and many other things.

The Coptic part contains many items of the daily life that made of bronze, copper and silver. There are also some amazing icons that representing the religious scenes of Christian and the last super. This, and This is beside a lot of products and cotton textiles with a great plan and animal jewelry

Among the most important items from this Museum, there is a very famous 
statue  belong to the ancient Egyptian, and some of the pots found on the pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara

Among the most important items from the National Museum in Alexandria, and there is a statue by the famous ancient Egyptian, and some of the pots found on the pyramid ofDjoser at Saqqara

After that, there is a section for Muhammad Ali's family, which includes a lot of jewelry that made ​​of silver and gold that belonged to the royal family.

The most interesting in the National Museum of  Alexandria is the section that shows the effects that have been found under the sea in Alexandria. The museum also displays live images of how to pull these items from the sea. This section includes a bronze statue of the Black Isis, and some of the paintings and statues of Greek gods, which includes a statue of the attention of the President of the Alexander the Great and the last of Venus, the goddess of love.

The museum gives a comprehensive explanation total not only in history but the history of Alexandrian Egypt. Visit the National Museum of Alexandria is a must for anyone interested in Egyptian antiquities and history

The National Museum Of Alexandria

- The museum is open from 9 in the morning till 5 in the afternoon daily and cameras are allowed inside but without using flash

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